Two friends hugging each other

How to reconnect with long lost friends

The globe has been in turmoil since the COVID-19 pandemic, turning our own little worlds upside down. As a result, many of us have lost touch with treasured friends while we readjust to the “new normal.”

Want to know how to reconnect with old friends? Then read our guide to rekindling those relationships. We’ll help you navigate your way back to that precious friendship with our tips, tricks and hacks!

Why reconnect with long lost friends?

You know that feeling when you get home, change into your PJs and snuggle into a blanket while you watch your favourite movie? That’s the equivalent of enjoying a comfortable, longstanding friendship where you can simply be yourself.

Your friendship could be with someone you meet in school, backpacking or at work — it doesn’t matter. Your shared experiences mean there’s no awkwardness when you do get together. It’s that feeling of pure comfort and support that we’ve been craving while the world has been in lockdown.

So now’s the time to be the bigger person and be the first to reach out and reconnect. Here’s how.

Send a handwritten letter

If you’re wondering how do I reconnect with old friends, start with something simple and send a handwritten letter. This is a really fun way to get back in touch if it’s something you used to do back in your school or university days when social media wasn’t “a thing.”

Keep the tone informal, as if you were just chatting to your friend in person. Try to capture some old memories — they’ll be sure to put a smile on your friend’s face. And end it with a suggestion to meet up in person so you can truly reconnect.

Shoot a video

If you’re feeling too shy for a video call, send a pre-recorded video to say hi. If it’s been a long time since you met up and had some life changes, try including them in the video.

For example, if you’ve moved to a new area, you can shoot your video walking around your neighbourhood. Maybe you’ve been blessed with a child or even a new pet. Get them in the frame and say that you’d love for your friend to meet them. This leaves the door open for your friendship to be rekindled.

Offer a personalised gift box

Who doesn’t love receiving a gift? Especially when it’s been thoughtfully chosen with the recipient firmly in mind. This is where personalised gift boxes come in! Have fun putting together a gift box full of little treats tailored to your long lost friend. They’ll be touched that you remembered and will be delighted at the thought you’ve put into your gift choices.

Tag them on social media

If you know your friend uses social media, tag them in a happy memory. It’s a way of getting their attention without being too pushy as well as looking back to a happy time in your lives.

It also highlights your shared experiences and says that you treasure them as a friend. It’s perhaps one of the easiest ways to reconnect without having to make any grand declarations or feeling awkward about your choice of words.

Shop personalised gift boxes Australia

Sending a personalised gift box is a great place to start reigniting the flame of friendship, so take a look at what oh-hello! has to offer.

We offer curated gift boxes and customised gift boxes, containing treats from women-owned Australian brands. And all gifts come in cute and quirky boxes with a handwritten note for a personal touch.

Want to know more? Reach out to our team and we’ll help you get that friendship back on track in no time!
